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Parenting is hard. Single parenting exponentially more difficult. Trying to start a business as a single mom is practically a miracle. However, YOU CAN DO THIS. Yes it is difficult, yes it is unfair, but YOU CAN DO THIS! As a single mom for the majority of my child's life, I have had to make all the decisions and live with the burden of not ruining my kid. What's more, how do I pursue my own dreams when I am responsible for the life and well being of another human soul?
It can be done. You can do it. I was able to raise my daughter WHILE I pursued my purpose, not despite of my purpose. I stand before you as an author, entrepreneur, coach and motivational speaker in addition to my profession.
It can be done. Will it be easy? No, but it will be worth it.
I sit down to chat with Naranda Driver about the pain of rejection and overcoming divorce.....twice.
Nicole shares her love journey and encourages other single moms to not settle but to wait for the right person. It will be so worth the wait.
Why does Money Matter? Are you positioned to leave a legacy for your children? Are you using your financial situation to validate your dating situation? Do you trust God to take care of your needs? Whew, ladies this is a much needed word for everyone! So, make sure you check out Jennifer Maggio, Elizabeth Demarest, and Nicole Smith on the couch as they tackle the issue!
Check out TLSM Founder & CEO, Jennifer Maggio, on the couch with Nicole Smith and Shannon Ethridge as they tackle a tough one...forgiveness. But more specifically...FORGIVING YOUR EX! We know, it sounds kind of impossible. But for the sake of not only you, but your children, it's something you have to actively work towards. And today is the day to start.
Check out TLSM Founder & CEO, Jennifer Maggio, on the couch with Shannon Ethridge and Nicole Smith discussing Battling Bitterness. Ladies, this is a tough one! At some point in time, everyone faces something that causes tension and bitterness to build up inside your heart. If you are battling the bitterness and need a heart check, this one is for YOU!